Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
If you liked Harry Potter
There is a bitingly witty series called "The Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher you should check out (also a highly-watchable TV series on the SCIFI channel). It's Harry Potter for grown ups ... on crack. I've ripped through the first 8 in about 3 months. They're a quick read, and I usually end up laughing out loud at least 3 or 4 times.
Potter Finale

I bought the final Harry Potter book, The Deathly Hallows on Saturday at 4 pm. I had it finished yesterday by 2 pm. Say what you want about Rowlings, she has a knack for creating highly readable, engrossing prose. The final book was a great read. I won't go into detail for those who haven't finished it yet, but I was very satisfied with the ending. I'm looking forward to seeing the Order of the Phenoix when it comes out on DVD (since our little one keeps us from the theater). All in all, it's been fun to be part of the Harry phenomenon. Hopefully our kids will have something similar when they get older.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Not everyone likes to eat
The cutest
4 Months
We also get to start some cereal with him. I'll post some pictures of that pretty soon. It wasn't pretty.
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