It's becoming increasingly obvious to me that this semester + regular blogging = not happening. So instead of the every-couple-days schedule I used to adhere to, I'll be posting when I have time. So there you go. And here's what's going on with us:
1. We went to our township's annual fall festival with my mom and stepdad and had a super time. This would have been a terrific picture if Gummy Bear could keep the stupid lei out of his mouth. Oh well. Then we went home and put the kids to bed and I went to study with a friend. My life is kind of a cycle right now that revolves around taking care of the kids, going to class, and studying. Poor Ry.
2. We celebrated Gummy Bear's half birthday. Happy 4.5 Bear! Because we went to the same festival mentioned above last year on his 3.5 birthday, his assumption is that the festival is for his half birthday. This year, he called it his "4 and a half festival" for the entire week before we went. Also, there was cake.
3. The boys are playing together. Actually playing. Together. Here Gummy Bear was reading Cheeky Monkey a book about ticklish animals. We've read it so many times that Cheeky Monkey starts giggling every time you turn the page, anticipating the tickling that is soon to come. It's crazy cute, and even cuter when it's his brother "reading" him the book.
4. More playing.
5. Duck feeding.
Quack |
Of course, Monkey kept eating the stale crackers himself.
6. Ry is preparing for a monstrous bunch of traveling for work. He's gone 3 days this week and 2.5 weeks of October. He may be in Hawaii during the week of Thanksgiving. We've been trying to figure out a way that I can accompany him. Sadly, I don't think we're going to be able to swing right now. I'm glad that I'll (probably) be working again in a year.

7. I have finally hit a wall with nursing school. Pure excitement about my chosen career has carried me through the past 3 years. This semester, however, is a grind. I'm finding the material this semester particularly challenging (hello, endrocrine system?), and our clinical rotations are all on general medical surgical floors. I miss my boys. I hate being a drag on our finances. Blah blah, bad attitude, blah. I know I'll be better next semester, when we have rotations in Critical Care, School Nursing, Community Nursing, ER and have our "transition", where we shadow a nurse in our chosen nursing specialty for 60 hours. I just have to get through the next 3 months. With my sanity mostly intact. Mostly.