It has been a while since I wrote ... but I have an excuse, I promise! We've been very busy with closing on our house, moving, and not having internet access at home set up yet. Whew, finally we are connected with phone, internet and DirecTV.
Our closing went very smoothly, although we found that our fridge was broken during the walk through. We decided not to push the matter though since our seller had already given us more than he wanted to to replace the windows and bought a new dishwasher for us (also broken). So, we sucked it up and bought a new fridge along with a washer/dryer. It is so nice having a normal sized washer/dryer. I'm constantly amazed by how much fits in there! I know, it's the little things.
The move went well. It was really really nice to have the family out to help. We got a lot done in just a few days. Since then ... things have stalled. It doesn't help that it's summer and all we want to do is be outside doing stuff. Yesterday we went to an Air Show at Maguire Air Force Base (pictures to follow), and today we have our church picnic, which will last all afternoon. Oh well. We'll get the boxes unpacked later.
I promise to write more soon and get some pictures of the house up. It's amazing what a coat of paint and some furniture can do for a room.