So I convinced Ry that we needed cute little animals. We had decided on a puppy first, but found that finding puppies is much much harder than finding kittens. There were crazy listings in the paper for free kittens ... not so much for puppies. So, we decided on cats first, and of course, they do better in pairs so ... (hehe, yep, he bought it). We got our kittens from Trenton. The area wasn't too bad, but reinforced our decision not to buy a house there (although Ryan's rendition of "In the Ghetto" was good fun). We decided that if we can handle kittens, we can get a puppy. If we can handle that ...
then we'll consider kids.

Chief: Yep, he's orange. We're working on him not running away when you walk in a room.
wait a second......that looks like hamlet!?!?!?
Yes, you've discovered our evil plan to clone Hamlet....
Your orange and white kitten certainly looks like a baby-version of our Duke. Best wishes. Kelly & Marv
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