I am the perennial loser in the toothpaste game. You may be wondering what I'm talking out. Ry and I use the same toothpaste. When we get to the end of the tube, both of us continue to use the toothpaste until it looks like the specimen here. I think Ry does it because he doesn't want to go searching for the new toothpaste in the hall closet. I keep eking out the toothpaste in some perverse desire to see if Ry will actually replace the tube. I always lose. This morning, the work it takes to get anymore from this tube was more work than I was up for. Now there's a new shiny tube in the vanity.
I think this falls under the category of picking your battles carefully. This one is as old as the toothpaste tube and rarely do any two people in the same house squeeze the same way or have the same opinion as to the emptiness of the tube. :-)
Ryan: 92, Jenn: 4
I ALWAYS lose the toothpaste game. :)
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