He weighed 24 pounds, 9 ounces today, which places him in the 50th percentile for weight. His head is also in the 50th percentile. He also grew almost 2 inches in the past 3 months and was 32.5 inches today. That, ladies and gentlemen, puts him in the 90th percentile for height. Dr. Z said that he's not underweight, he's just "settling into a tall, lean frame." 'Scuse me? How did we end up with a tall, lean baby? Also, he doesn't look lean to me, but I suppose that could be because he was so skinny for the first 4 or 5 months that now he looks delightfully chubby to me.
She also said that it's OK for T to have a tan. In fact, it's probably good for him to get some un-sunscreened sun each day (a few minutes). I don't usually buy into hype like this, but when I read about melonoma on the rise, it makes me want to do everything I can to keep his little skin burn-free. Oh, in the picture he is pouring the water out of the pool so he can then go splash in the puddles it makes. Apparently it's a lot more fun than actually playing in the pool.
Jenn, Tucker sounds utterly delightful! He looks so much like you when you were little. Contact me sometime if you need ideas or info on child development, this is my line of work :) and if I don't know it, then I work with someone who does.
So, our consulting psychiatrist was in today and has a 7month old (not crawling yet) and I was relating your experience of the crazy moms who have their infantss enrolled in college courses and she had a similiar experience where someone at the park asked what they "did" She was confused and answered "well, I smile at her a lot, we sing songs, what do you mean?" So coming from a child psychiatrist, those crazy classes and outings are not that important, and it is ok to be "on track" or even a little behind, it will all even out in the end!!
I'm just dying to see that little booger, it's been way to long already!!
Thanks for the reality check Cath. I know rationally that people are crazy, but it's nice to hear it backed up by an expert.
Can't wait to see you again too. When will that be, by the way?
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