We left for Victoria Saturday morning at O Dark Hundred. T was remarkably good on the plane and only had two short meltdowns (coincidentally right before his two naps). Jo met us at the airport and we bussed over to the ferry, that took us from Vancouver to Victoria. T is sitting on the ledge of the ferry. He was entertaining the people sitting behind us. It is really beautiful here and I'm glad I finally get to enjoy it without barfing 3+ times a day. We got him to stay up until 7 pm PST (2 hours past his EST bedtime), so the jet lag hasn't been bothering him too badly.

Jo and Mike have a duck pond near the house, so early the next morning, we got up and went to see the ducks. There was much throwing of rocks and little interest in the ducks.

The goats at the petting zoo in the afternoon were another story. T spent a good 30 - 45 minutes in the goat pen. At one point he had one licking his cheek while another munched on his shirt. We had a tough time convincing him that what looks like a rock isn't always a rock.

Here are Jo and Mike on the train at the same farm as the petting zoo. It was ... lame. We suspect the engine began life as a riding lawnmower. Top speed was probably a good 2 - 3 mph. Also, the "sites" were kitschy exibits made up of pirate ships, ugly people and mechanized animals that reminded me of nothing as much as the original King Kong. Nevertheless, T enjoyed the trip and we got a good laugh out of the life like "salmon" (who looked suspiciously like 2x4s painted silver).

Yesterday, Ry and I went away for our first night away from T since he was born. Jo and Mike agreed to watch him for us (we're nominating them for sainthood when we return home). It was really nice to worry about nothing but ourselves for the first time in 16 months. This is our room in the little B&B where we stayed. We went hiking, saw some beautiful scenery, visited a vineyard, and finally arrive in Cowichan Bay, B.C., where we stayed the night.

The guy at the vineyard recommended the Rock Cod Cafe for dinner. It ... was ... delicious. I even ate fish ... and enjoyed it! Today we went into Duncan and visited the Cultural Arts Center for the First Nations here (First Nations are what Canada calls Native Americans). We were pretty disappointed, but that's a post for another time. We had a great lunch, did some shopping and stopped at a cidery on the way back to Motek Manor. T didn't even know we were gone. We got out of the car and he looked up to see us, then went back to throwing rocks on the driveway. At least we know where we stand.
1 comment:
Your trip sounds wonderful!
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