2. Having two tests in one week blows.
3. Rereading books from my childhood makes me happy. I picked up a copy of Anne of Green Gables at the last library book sale. Then I had to buy the entire series on ebay.
4. "Who is the shifty-eyed stranger?" is the worst dialogue I've heard in a movie recently.
5. I enjoy that T has little friends. Apparently, one of his friends recently kept asking her mom about him when she picked him up from daycare. They are so cute together.
6. Those finger tooth brushes are a great idea until your toddler almost bites your finger off.
7. T is still huge. At his doctor's visit this week he weighed 28 pounds, 2 ounces and was over 34 inches tall.
In what movie did you hear the "shift-eyed stranger" line?
The Scorpion King 2. It was quite honestly, one of the worst films I've ever seen. It was so bad that I stopped paying attention about halfway through and only got pulled back in by the occasional moronic discussion or truly horrendous CGI.
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