We just spent a long weekend in Orlando with Papa and La La. The resort where we stayed had about 20 pools with fountains, baby pools, hot tubs and heated lap pools. It rocked. We had kind of questionable weather the first couple of days, but as you can see, that didn't stop us from enjoying the amenities. The fountains would shoot up if you put your foot over them. It was at least 30 minutes of entertainment for Ry and Papa.

T, on the other hand, was far more interested in trying to drink the water.

T is big on dinosaurs right now. Any time he see anything resembling one (gator, lizard, robot) we get seranaded with a round of "roar". The new T-Rex restaurant at Downtown Disney was a big hit.

Papa and T waiting for the carosel. They couldn't look more alike if they tried.

Generally, I'm not a big fan of the "build a" stores (there is just something wrong about all the bear carcasses in bins), but we had to do the Build a Dino. Here is the first dino to be stuffed. He had an umbilical hernia, so we had to get Dino II. They let you name your dino for the "birth certificate", so we let T type the dino's name. I present you Ib, the Dinosaur.

Animal Kingdom was fun with T. The safari was great and we had good times asking T what sound the animals made. Hippos, apparently, say "moo."

I had to do the ears, but as you can see, they didn't last long. I actually wore the ears most of the day.

Disney day was a big day for a little guy. He barely moved when I got him out of the car and didn't move at all when I put him in the crib.
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