Our little family opened our Christmas gifts for each other before we left for the Land of Oz. T loved his stocking stuffer best, of course. The lesson here is that toddlers destroy the metal slinkies in less than an hour. The plastic ones hold up a lot better.

Meanwhile, in Emerald City, T was into everything. He got really into throwing things away. We kept him busy for 30 minutes with throwing away any little scrap of paper. He also tried every cabinet and drawer in the house. I'm told most kids won't do this, but not my guy. He learned how to unlock all the windows and unlock and open the patio door. The good news is that we had lots of help. T got to spend lots of time with both sets of grandparents, and Ry and I actually got out for a movie and several miscellaneous outings with friends.

I mean, how freaking cute is he? I searched high and low for these jammies and my aunt had to make the hat (thanks!), but it was totally worth it. We had a nice Christmas. T loved to hand out the presents, even to the point of trying to hand out gifts for people who weren't there.

T trying the cabinets, again.

One of the local churches has a huge indoor playground. T spent a lot mornings there. What a great idea!

Rock Band is so fun. He's T banging on the drums before bedtime. His Uncle L brought the game over after the Illinois game and we played like Rock Stars. T never stirred. Seriously, it was super fun.

Back at the church. They have murals on all the surrounding walls leading into the Sunday school classes.
We also had a New Years Eve party with the best White Elephant gift exchange I have attended. Best items of the evening: stuffed meerkat, massager and an edwardian mustard pot.
Coming soon: our trip to the Indy Children's Museum.
1 comment:
The legend of the Albino Bowler lives on through his action figure! After a two year tour of the "east" he returns to the midwest riding a penguin.
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