Thursday, September 10, 2009

This too shall pass

I've decided that my mantra for a while is going to be "this too shall pass." T continues to have issues with pooing on the toilet. He is also occasionally having pee accidents. I have to keep reminding myself that we're less than 2 weeks into this adventure and he's doing really well. It's frustrating to me because he knows what he's supposed to do, just doesn't always do it. This morning when I went to get T out of bed he told me he wasn't ready to get up yet. I told him to let me know when he was ready and went back downstairs to putter. Ten minutes later he yelled down that he was ready to get up. As soon as I walked into the room he informed me that he pooed in his underwear. Why?!

This too shall pass.

This too shall pass.

This too shall pass.

Update: He just pooped in his bed during naptime. I even ran upstairs as soon as I heard make a noise. Just flat out refusing to poo in the toilet.

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