Today you are 2 months old. The past 2 months have flown by so quickly I almost can't believe it. At the same time, it feels like you have always been part of our little family.
We have had some rough times during these 2 months. The doctor says that you have colic. I only know that you are sometimes inconsolable and there is nothing I can do to help you feel better. You seem to be getting better and I can only hope that you'll soon feel wonderful.
You have the most delicious, downy fuzz on the top of your head right now. I love to kiss your little head and smell your baby smell. I can already tell that you are going to be a very sweet natured boy. I don't know how big you are right now, but my (very) unscientific baby scale says you weigh around 13 pounds. You are much, much rollier than your brother at this age. It warms me deep down to know that you are thriving though.
I don't know if you are going to keep your beautiful blue eyes, or if, like your brother's, they will turn hazel. I do know that you are just the cutest little guy a mom could want. You have just started smiling and it makes my heart burst every time I get a big, gummy grin.
You are much loved and much wanted (even by your big brother). I love you way, way much.
1 comment:
OMG! He is sooo very cute!
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