I really like snowstorms. It's nice to be forced to stay inside, play games, watch movies and drink cocoa. All the area schools (and Ry's work) are closed today and tomorrow, so we have had a bonus weekend.
Perhaps my favorite part of these storms has been the weather channel's coverage of them. I can't remember what they called the first one back in December, but last weekend's was "The Winter Powerhouse" and this one is "February Fury". Perhaps they should start naming them the way they do hurricanes. Otherwise we might end up with "Snowpocalptic Snowtastrophic Snownami Snowstorm of Doom!!" The reporters crack me up too, because they are always in location before anything really starts happening. Then they have to talk about how nothing is happening. Then they talk to bystanders about how nothing is happening ... yet. But of course, pretty soon it's going to be OMG SNOW!!! So stay home.
We intend to do just that.
This weekend it's supposed to be 75 and sunny here.
...just like it was yesterday and the day before and the day before.... SoCal is so boooooring! ;)
True statement.
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