Where did these giant genes come from?
F is also able to sit by himself, roll over both ways and is starting the most delightful babbling. He's also learned a not-nearly-as-delightful shrieking noise that I think is his excited sound. His smile lights up the room. He's eating table food quite well. Aside from adding baby cereal for it's iron and other nutrient fortifications, the pediatrician said I never had to feed him baby food, if I didn't want to. So far, he's had sweet potato, zucchini, carrot, cucumber, green beans (not a great plan, that), bread, yogurt, broccoli, banana, pear, apple, kiwi, melon, blackberries, and, ahem, banana muffin.
Temperamentally, he's about as different from his big brother as he could get. He's pretty laid back and happy to sit and play with his toys, as long as I'm with him. He is still showing a lot of stranger anxiety, but seems to be OK with the people he sees a lot (Ry, T, my friends). This, along with his refusal to take a bottle are making me pretty nervous about starting school in the fall. I'm going to try and get him to start taking a sippy cup, since I think the window for the bottle is probably shut. We have 2 months before my 3 week course in July and 4 months until I start school in September, so I'm crossing my fingers that we'll have him drinking out of some cup-like container soon.
Isn't he delicious?
Um, yeah, lets work on that drinking out of sippy cup plan, I don't want to deal with any dehydrated babies! Oh and I think those eyes are staying blue!
We'll work hard on it Cathy! So far I've been letting him play with the sippy at meal times. He seems more inclined to suck on it than he ever did a bottle.
I hope they stay blue. I just looked through pictures of T and his didn't change until he was like 15 months old. Keep your fingers crossed!
15 months! Jeeeez!
I can't wait for more babbling and the approach of words! I think M may give F a run for his money on length, but I get the feeling he'll keep the weight trophy :)
His great uncles and the Paden size are quite large. His Great Uncle Howard is 6'6" weights around 250+, Uncle Stan is 6'4" around the same weight and Uncle George is the runt at 6'2". Great Grandpa Homer is 6'2" as well. So....
Ok, you got me curious.....not perfect on the weight, but M turns 4 months old on the 16th and she's got a length of 24 inches and a weight of about 14lbs....
At 4 months, F was 23.5 and 16 pounds, 9 ounces. It sounds like M is going to be long!
She's got her mommy's rockette legs!
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