Apparently, it's not a holiday weekend in our house unless we have a project. This weekend, we worked on the bathroom. We've been working on our bathroom in tiny baby steps since we bought the house 5 years ago. This is what it looked like when we closed on the house.

There was nothing wrong with it, per se, it was was just kind of boring and ugly. I especially hated the light fixture. First we painted and put in new hardware (towel racks, toilet paper holder, etc. Last summer, we finally replaced the vanity. Then we had to look for a new light fixture and medicine cabinet. I found a fixture pretty quickly and we bought it last September. It's been sitting in the basement ever since, waiting for a medicine cabinet.
Then we finally found a medicine cabinet at Ikea, of all places. We got it and promptly went on vacation. This weekend, we finally (and by we, I of course mean Ry) took down the old light and vanity, replastered and painted and installed the new.

Ta da! Isn't it lovely? I have happy.
Now we just have to pull out the awful tub surround (which stains if you so much as look at it with colored anything) and tile the tub. That is a project for another day.
Very nice!
Super cute! I'm impressed with your home improvement skills.
I really cannot take any credit. Ry has the mad skilz. I'm just manual labor.
Nice job on the bath. There is a place that advertises like crazy around here called 'BathFitters'. I think they will put a new tub and walls over the existing so it moves pretty fast. I don't know the cost but just an idea. Nice job no matter what though. We put in shelves over the 4th so like you always something to do! W.C.C.
Looks pretty snazzy. Good job you guys.
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