Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ukulele Week Gets the Blech

I woke up this morning feeling distinctly unwell. I don't know exactly what's wrong with me, but I just generally have the blech. I dragged myself to church this morning since it was the week of the big picnic, hoping I'd start feeling better. Then, I took a 3 hour nap when I laid down with Gummy Bear for his. The moral of the story is, Ukulele week is going to take a quick hiatus and should conclude tomorrow.

RE: Ukulele week requests Becky: request granted Melydia: request granted (because, my sister, you know?) Cathy: I'm working on it. The strum pattern for that Iz song is wicked hard. It's going to be a while before it's video-worthy, but when it is, I'll get it up here.


Amanda said...

Hope you feel better soon. I've thoroughly enjoyed Ukulele week and appreciate you putting yourself out there :)

Becky said...

Hope the blech is banished soon! Feel better, Sister.

Jube said...

Amanda, thank you very much!

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