Monday, November 18, 2013

Blogging on

I just got off a 3-in-a-row at work. I simultaneously love and dislike these. I love putting my shifts together because then I get nice long stretches of days off. For example, after my Tuesday night shift, I am not back on until Sunday night. Lovely. While I'm in the midst of them though, it's rough. Literally all I do is eat, sleep and work. Today I got up after about 4 hours of sleep so I have a shot of getting back to sleep tonight. This has the weird effect of making me cry about everything. Cute picture on facebook? Blubbery. Lady walking her dog? Oh how sweet, and now I'm crying again. I guess the lesson here is that my hormones get all hormoney when I'm tired.

Anyhow, not much else is new here, but I am trying to get back into the blogging habit, so please to enjoy these random pictures of my kids:

Gummy Bear helping me remove the bagillions of candles he insisted should be on my birthday cake.

Cheeky Monkey ate half my edamame. Then he made helicopters out of the discarded carcasses.

They are never so peaceful as when entertained by magical electronic devices.

Getting them started early.

He's putting his baby and kitty to sleep and kissing them goodnight. Aaaand I'm crying again.

This is what it looks like when we Skype with my sister-in-law and new niece. Technology is fab. Please don't judge my dirty house. I have decided it's a lost cause. Also, I have more important things to do ... like make edamame helicopters.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

There was always a direct correlation between the number of night shifts I had worked to the ease in which the waterworks would flow! Love the frequent posting, I'll also try to follow suit!

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