Thursday, July 03, 2008

Cute Things He's Doing This Week

1. Meowing at the cat
2. Pushing me up and down by my shirt when I'm sitting on the floor
3. Investigating our water glasses and saying "brrr" when he touches them
4. Dancing. To Everything. Even things that aren't music. Like the stupid Leapfrog Lily that my sister bought him. That he loves. (I have a long memory.)
5. Making a beeline for the baby pool every time we go outside. Even when we're just walking to the car and he's got his leather sandals on. Luckily they dry out pretty well.
6. Running around the crib after his nap trying to keep from getting caught. Then he stands in the corner and laughs.


ldupbeat said...

This is just Darling! You should write a book about the joys of parenting. Every baby up for adoption would have a home. :)

Jo said...

I get to dance with T in 9 days! Hey T, bring Lily - I like her too.

nana said...

What a cutie!

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