Thursday, October 02, 2008

A & P Fun Fact

The bone that kills you if you get it slammed into your brain is not, in fact, the nasal bone.  It is actually a bone called the vomer and it is inside your nose, not on the bridge of nose.


Anonymous said...

So we covered all axial skeleton bones last week and I asked the instructer this questions is a "the vomer is the bone that kills you if you your nose is smashed into your skull, right?" And he replied with " I have never heard of any documented deaths from that, it is a myth" I think we need to hook out professors up for a rousing debate.

Jube said...

It was actually my lab assistant who said it, but I bet she could go a couple rounds with your prof. Cage match?

Anonymous said...

I don't know, he's an ex-marine and rugby player. Kinda looks and acts like Dr. House. Could be entertaining!

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