2. As it turns out, I'm allergic to bunnies. His school has a pet bunny, Dotty. Usually, she's in her cage in the other room. Today I was helping parent, and since the theme for the week is Bunnies, Dotty got to roam the room. About 30 minutes in, I started sneezing, my eyes started running and my head filled up like a plugged bathtub. Mrs. B whisked Dotty away and within 5 minutes I was once again clear as could be. Lesson: don't buy an animal without spending some time around it.
Second Lesson: Never ever ever get a bunny. I speak from experience.
The ears are placed as they are because - T looked in the mirror and used his own as a guide - the size and color of the bunny ears mostly support my theory as well:)
I miss refrigerator art.
Ryan you know you loved dressing up Cupcake the rabbit just as much as Val and I did. Don't try to hide it
Ding ding ding. T looked at himself and Mrs. B and then decided where to put the ears. I think that's also why the whiskers are above the rest of the face. He didn't know what to do with them. Maybe they're hair?
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