Friday, September 19, 2008

On having a mammogram at 28

I never expected to be getting a mammogram at age 28.  I had been having some pain that didn't want to go away.  While it was never bad, Ry noticed that I commented about it a few times over several weeks.  He made me promise to go to the doctor (which is generally my role).  So go to the doctor I did, about 3 weeks ago.  Honestly, I expected her to say that I was overreacting and send me home.  Instead, she sent me for a mammogram and ultrasound.

I have heard really scary things about mammograms for large-chested women, so I wasn't looking forward to my visit this morning.  The tech, however, was everything a medical professional should be.  She was professional, caring, and clear.  After the first 4 scans, I started getting warm and dizzy.  I didn't feel overtly nervous, but my blood pressure obviously had a different idea.  The tech was great as I spent most of the next 5 minutes with my head between my legs.  What a baby I am!  Anyhow, the actual mammogram wasn't nearly as bad as expected, and the radiologist gave me the all clear. Thank goodness I don't have to do that again until I'm 40.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I'm certainly glad that everything is ok!

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