Tuesday, November 22, 2011

So. Stinking. Cute

Right. So I'm kind of avoiding eye contact with the mound of school work I have to do right now. Instead, I thought I'd blog about the extremely high level of cuteness going on in our house right now.

We had Cheeky Monkey's non-family party on Sunday. We had a costume party, and so I thought it only appropriate that we make monster cupcakes. I did the icing, and the boys' Mummu did all the monster faces. I have to say that the angry birds ones were the best.
 They looked great for a while. And then their little monster faces started sliding off their little monster cupcake bodies and I almost cried. Happily, only 4 or 5 of them were unsalvageable, and more happily, 2-year-olds don't care what the icing looks like.

Ry and I dressed up our 1960s selves.

And the boys wore their Halloween costumes. Unfortunately, in the 2 weeks between Halloween and the party, the Monkey grew an inch and we couldn't button his pants. Sad. Also, somehow appropriate.

Hurrah cupcakes!!

This was just one of my favorite pictures from the party. Seriously, could she be more excited about the juicebox?

See the unbuttoned pants? The hat and beard didn't last long either.

Gummy Bear had a great time ... and lots of sugar.

It was a really great party.

Monkey turned two and someone switched his "2" button. Stuff he's been doing this week:

1. Refusing to eat dinner (unless he damn well decides he wants it or there is a cookie involved).
2. Adding a new word or two every day. Favorite: "hot bum" when he's sporting a loaded diaper.
3. Stringing together 2 or 3 word sentences like he's been doing it for months.
4. Identifying colors. "Lellow!"
5. Destroying everything his brother builds, touches, or thinks about.
6. Opening the fridge and getting his own apple slices.
7. Singing along when I sing him to sleep.
8. Playing Pat-A-Cake.


Cathy said...

Oh, my, that was pretty much the cutest this I've seen in awhile, especially the throwing part!

ldupbeat said...

This is soo cute! you r very blessed.

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