Thursday, January 29, 2009

Class Craziness

So here I was, harboring this delusion that I'd only have to have T in preschool the 2.5 days a week I am actually in class.  Heh.  Heh. Heheheheheheheh.  It's been a really long time since I took math and science courses and the homework load is heavy.  So far, it's not difficult, but there is a crapload of it.  

Since T was out of school yesterday, I didn't get the approx 2 hours of study/homework time that his schedule usually allows me.  Therefore, I am doing Algebra during his nighttime ritual.  My chemistry prof (who I think I'm going to like) not only gives a lot of homework, but also wants us to re-write the question, answer the question, and then justify the answer.  Example:  How many significant digits in the number 0.0020? Answer: 2 Justification:  All non-zero digits are significant, and zero digits following a non-zero digit on the right of the decimal point are significant.  Yeesh.

The students in my class are mostly really young and mostly really clueless.  I'll devote a whole different post to that one.  My professors range from old and delightfully quirky to old and humorless.  Kitty dissection is going better now that we know how to find the muscle definitions and how hard we have to push to create holes.  Poor Fluffy is starting to look a little like roadkill though.  

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