Thursday, March 12, 2009

And now a case of phenomenally bad timing ...

This afternoon, T kept tugging on the front of his diaper and saying "ow."  I asked him if something was hurting him, and he said "penis" (well, actually he said eenis, but that's beside the point).  So I took off the diaper and took a look.  I told him everything looked ok to me.  He insisted that something was not definitely not.  Concerned, I took another look.  T hopped up and tugged me into the bathroom, pointed at the potty and told me he had to go.  He sat down, and wonder of wonders, went to the bathroom on the potty for the first time.  What a great time to start potty training! He's telling us he needs to go!  Except that we're leaving for Illinois in a day and a half where he's going to be the ringbearer in my sister-in-law's wedding.  Hold that thought, little man.

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