Sunday, April 05, 2009

Grrr, new prereqs

As of the second week of March, my program added two new prerequisites that had to be completed before petitioning for the nursing curriculum.  I had my final courses all planned out, one per semester, until I (hopefully) start in Fall 2010.  Since Fall and Spring of the coming year are pretty well shot, due to the impending arrival of Baby 2.0, I had no idea how I was going to get these finished.  This would mean waiting an entire extra year (until 2011) to start the nursing curriculum.  This was not my A plan.

I went to visit the program director about enrolling for the summer.  She told me that the spots were being reserved for those students beginning this Fall 2009. (Nice surprise for them, eh?).  She told me to come back a few days later and she would see what could be done.  So, two days later, T and I trouped to her office to beg for a precious spot.  Lucky for me, I got spots in both classes for the summer B session.  It means that my entire summer is shot (I get about 1 week off), but my plan is overall uncompromised.

1 comment:

ldupbeat said...

I'm so excited about your becoming a nurse. I can SO see you being a nurse. Whenever you get to do it, you will be great at it, your a natural.

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