Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More creative rule following

Several times a day, I need T to "come over here".  Usually it's because he needs a fresh diaper or because he's getting into something he shouldn't.  The first 3 or 4 times I ask him, I use a normal, 'request' voice.  When he doesn't respond (something that happens at least once a day), I get out my mommy voice and say "Come over here, NOW."  T will look at me, and then begin the "I'm coming mosey."  The mosey starts with a look at me. Then, he'll start looking around at everything else but me.  He'll amble to one side and then the other, all the while heading in my direction, as if to say "I'm coming, but not because you wanted me to."  I'm generally stifling a laugh by the time he actually arrives to me.  Yet another reminder that the acrorn doesn't fall far.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well we just had an inservice on developmental stages and apparently saying No (which I know he doesn't do quite yet but I'm sure is right around the corner) and or non-compliance is actually a good thing! It shows they are developing a sense of autonomy! So as frustrating as it is...

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