Monday, November 10, 2008

Snark, snark

Girl in my A&P class: Did you hear that there is a 2 year wait for the nursing program?

Me: I thought that was only for the evening/weekend program.

Girl in my A&P class: Oh, maybe so.

Me: I'm going to apply for the program at *other school* because it offers a one day a week program.  It would be the best for me because I'd only have to put my son in daycare for a day or two every week.

Girl in my A&P class: You don't work?

Me: No. Well, I stay at home with my son.

Girl in my A&P class: That would be nice. (To her friend). I'd love to quit my job and dedicate myself full time to this stuff, but I can't afford to do that.

Me: Yeah. Me too.


Becky said...

What?! You mean you don't eat bonbons and watch soap operas all day?!

nana said...

You mean running around all day chasing a toddler and keeping the household running isn't work? Guess she has never tried it.

Jube said...

Yep, bonbons and soap operas.

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