Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Poop and Ricin Birthday

My birthday really wrapped up yesterday.  I got this gift from my dearest sister.  It's paper made of elephant poop.  Folks, you can't make this stuff up.  I think it's fair to call this a green product.  The tag insists that it's odorless, but I have to say that the box still has a faint odor lingering about.  The paper looks like ... recycled paper.  Totally worth buying for people, if only for the laugh. Thanks sister, you made my day.

T also gave me his present, the recently released Sleeping Beauty.  Since the weather was crummy yesterday afternoon, I popped it in the DVD player.  I had forgotten how silly and sexist the old Disney movies are.  Aurora's gifts from the good fairies were "beauty" and "song".  Sadly, a brain was not among the gifts.  The evil fairy seems to have no motivation for cursing Aurora aside from not being invited to the christening and working for "the forces of evil".

Anyhow, as the fairies free Prince Phillip so he can awaken the sleeping Aurora, they give him some weapons.  "The weapons of righteousness," Ry said.  I heard "weaponized ricin".  Now, that would have made for an interesting ending.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Happy (late!) birthday! I debated about sending anything to do with poo to a woman with a yet-to-be potty trained child. Glad it made you laugh.

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